Workshops: Support the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism to delivering strategic communications on P/CVE through capacity building and research – 2nd PhaseIn the framework of the project: In the framework of the project: Support the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism to deliver strategic communications on P/CVE through capacity building and research

CSDG implemented the project project “Support the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism to delivering strategic communications on P/CVE through capacity building and research”, financially supported by the US Embassy in Albania.

The project aimed to support the CVE Center, the Line Ministries and respective institutions involved in the implementation of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism, to improve their capacities in terms of strategic communication for the prevention and countering of the propaganda of violent extremism.

In March 2021, in cooperation with the CVE Center took place the first phase of the workshops with employees from Line Ministries and other institutions, aiming to improve knowledge and expertise in developing and implementing messages related to preventing and countering violent extremist propaganda.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the activities developed during the first phase, as well as to address the identified deficiencies and weaknesses, in 30-31st of August and 1st of September 2021, took place the second phase of the trainings “Strengthening inter-institutional cooperation and mechanisms of strategic communication in function of Prevention/Countering Violent Extremism”.

This training sessions also reflect the main goal of the project, which focuses on:

  • the abilities of experts to better recognize the phenomenon of violent extremism;
  • improving knowledge about strategic communication;
  • handling teaching practices between the institutions and CVE Center.