Albanian Security Barometer 2019
Supported by:Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana
Project:Measuring citizens' attitudes towards security and justice in Albania
The Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance (CSDG) with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Tirana has initiated the Albanian Security Barometer (ASB). The ASB is a new innovative project which brings to the public debate the attitudes and perceptions of Albanian citizens on various aspects of security through a national public survey.
Some of the main policy issues by which this first edition of the ASB has been guided are:
- definition of the main security threats at different levels,
- the influence on Albania’s security by various actors,
- the satisfaction with the performance of security and justice institutions in addressing the identified security threats and risks,
- policy approaches to improving security delivery,
- perceived levels of corruption and trust on security and justice institutions,
- attitudes towards NATO and EU in relation to Albania’s security,
- perceptions on how Albania’s performance in meeting EU standards particularly with regard to building a professional and independent public administration and fighting corruption and organised crime.