Roundtable Discussion: “Linking Security Policy Making and Security Delivery with Citizens Attitudes and Concerns: Presentation of the finding of the Albanian Security Barometer 2022”In the framework of the project: Measuring citizens' attitudes towards security and justice in Albania

The Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance (CSDG) with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Tirana has implemented the Albanian Security Barometer 2022 (ASB). This is the fourth edition of the ASB, linking security with citizens opinions, in an effort to strengthen the influence of the public opinion on both the policy making processes in relation to security policies and security delivery.

This edition of the Albanian Security Barometer focuses on four main themes:

  • At first, it captures the opinion and attitudes of the citizens on different aspects of security threats.
  • Secondly, it focuses on cooperative security.
  • Thirdly, it focuses on gender security, equality and gender mainstreaming in general.
  • Fourthly, this barometer dedicates a special attention to the theme of corruption by also exploring the nexus between corruption and organised crime.

Under the overarching goal of the Albanian Security Barometer, which is to promote an informed security debate, on 28th June 2022 it was organized the Roundtable Discussion “Linking Security Policy Making and Security Delivery with Citizens Attitudes and Concerns”. This event served as a venue to present the findings and launch a discussion with the participation of policy makers, security practitioners and civil society representatives.