Roundtable Discussion: “Debating Security: For a more inclusive role of the academy in developing and improving security policies”

Roundtable Discussion: “Debating Security: For a more inclusive role of the academy in developing and improving security policies”In the framework of the project: Measuring citizens' attitudes towards security and justice in Albania

The Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance has conducted for the second year the Albanian Security Barometer 2020.

The Security Barometer reflects the attitudes and perceptions of Albanian citizens regarding internal and external security threats, the performance of security and justice institutions including importance, effectiveness, measures and actions of security-related policies.

The main purpose of the Security Barometer is to contribute on improving of evidence-based debate on security and linking policies and security to citizens’ concerns and expectations.

In a democratic system based on free elections and delegation of decision-making from citizens to public officials, the evaluation and reflection of citizens’ attitudes and expectations is a necessity in the designing of security policies as well as in the process of evaluating their implementation and effectiveness.

On the other hand, the Security Barometer provides a platform for in-depth analysis and initiation of study projects by scholars interested in issues of security, international relations and good governance of the security sector which play an important role in improving the security debate.

In this context this roundtable focused on presenting the findings of the Albanian Security Barometer and discussing with academic staff of the Security Academy. The focus of the discussion were the findings of the Security Barometer in general, but with a more specific focus on the findings related to the State Police.