Albanian Security Barometer 2020
Supported by:Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana
Project:Measuring citizens' attitudes towards security and justice in Albania
After the publication of the Albanian Security Barometer 2019 and the ensuring public debate, the Centre for the Study of Democracy and Governance (CSDG) brings the second edition of this barometer, realized with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Tirana.
Like in the previous edition, the main policy issues guiding this second edition of the Barometer are:
- identifying key security threats at different levels;
- the impact on the security of Albania by various state and non-state actors;
- satisfaction with the work of security and justice institutions in addressing identified security threats and risks;
- policy approaches to improve security delivery;
- perceptions on the level of corruption and trust in security and justice institutions;
- attitudes towards NATO and the EU regarding Albania’s security;
- perceptions on Albania’s performance in meeting EU standards, in particular with regard to building a professional and independent public administration, and combating corruption and organized crime.
Reflecting upon the situation imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, this edition also included a series of questions about perceptions of its impact and the evaluation of institutions responsible for management.