A Guide for Whistleblowing and Whistleblowers in the Security Institutions in Albania



Notwithstanding the fact that the fight against corruption has been one of Albania’s top priorities, and whistleblowing is considered as one of the main tools in support of this challenge, the number of whistleblowing cases has been very low. No whistleblowing cases were registered in the security institutions, despite numerous cases of corruption and abuse of power reported by the media, affecting particularly the law enforcement institutions.

One of the factors that negatively impact the implementation of the Law on Whistleblowing and Protection of Whistleblowers is related to the cultural bias and negative connotations towards whistleblowing. Since whistleblowing is a complex practice, particularly whistleblowing in the security institutions because of specific challenges, employees in this sector need detailed information and knowledge in order to be able to overcome the hesitations and dilemmas they face if they wish to whistleblower a corrupt activity in their workplace.

This Guide, which is composed of questions and answers, aims to help the employees in the security institutions to clearly understand and use the Law on Whistleblowing and Protection of Whistleblowers without violating the applicable legislation. Through a better enforcement of the Law on Whistleblowing and Protection of Whistleblowers, the Guide aims to support these institutions in the fight against corruption and the strengthening of integrity.

You can download the Guide in Albanian language here:

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