Western Balkans Security Barometer (WBSB) 2021
The outputs of the project were:
- Public Perception towards Security and Justice Institutions and Corruption Issues in Albania
- Public perception towards public safety, internal and external threats in Albania
- Public Perceptions towards bilateral relations, cross border cooperation and identity issues in Albania
- Public Perceptions towards European integration and regional security in Albania
- Roundtable Discussion: “Regional security cooperation and accession to the EU: A citizens’ perspective”
- Roundtable Discussion: “Relations between Albania, Kosovo, and Serbia: The challenges of a virtuous ménage à trois from the citizens’ perspective”
- Closing Conference of the regional project “Western Balkan Security Barometer”
Young ambassadors of good governance: Strengthening youth engagement in the fight against corruption through art and communication 2022
The outputs of the project were:
- Event: “Integrity-Report Corruption, Protect the Truth”
- Event 1: Talking with Artists – MIRUSH KABASHI
- Event 2: Talking with Artists – ERLIND FUSHA
- Event 3: Talking with Artists – BUJAR KAPEXHIU
- Manual për të Rinj: Edukimi Kundër Korrupsionit
Measuring citizens' attitudes towards security and justice in Albania (2021-2022)
The outputs of the project were:
- Policy Paper: Fight against corruption as a non-negotiable condition in the negotiations with EU: Bridging the gap between public opinion and government discourse
- Policy Paper: Harnessing the power of women in the security agenda: Achievements and challenges in mainstreaming and implementation of the women, peace, and security agenda in Albania from the public opinion perspective
- Policy Paper: The future is cooperative!? Perceptions and reality from the Western Balkans
- Roundtable Discussion: Linking Security Policy Making and Security Delivery with Citizens Attitudes and Concerns: Presentation of the finding of the Albanian Security Barometer 2022
- Roundtable Discussion: Achievements and challenges in mainstreaming and implementation of gender equality in the security sector in Albania from the public opinion perspective
- Roundtable Discussion: Fight against corruption as a non-negotiable condition in the negotiations with EU
- Roundtable Discussion: The Future of Cooperative Security in the Western Balkans from the public opinion perspective
Support the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism to deliver strategic communications on P/CVE through capacity building and research (2021-2022)
The outputs of the project were:
- Strategic Communication on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: A practical model of its institutional implementation in Albania (2022)
- Self-Training Manual: Countering Violent Extremism Through Strategic Communications (2022)
- Workshops: “Strengthening inter-institutional cooperation and strategic communication mechanisms on P/CVE (Phase I)
- Workshops: “Strengthening inter-institutional cooperation and strategic communication mechanisms on P/CVE (Phase II)
Measuring citizens' attitudes towards security and justice in Albania (2020-2021)
The output of the project was:
- Policy Paper: (De)politicization of citizens’ concerns on security in Albania’s public debate: Understanding and addressing the mismatch
- Policy Paper: Citizens’ perception on Albania’s EU integration process: Will the belief that the sun rises from the west prevail?
- Policy Paper: Law enforcement and equal treatment of citizens in Albania: The need for a renewed agenda
- Roundtable Discussion: On Presentation of the Second Edition of the Albanian Security Barometer: Linking Policy Making and Security Provision with Citizens’ Attitudes and Concerns
- Roundtable Discussion: Debating Security: For a more inclusive role of the academy in developing and improving security policies – University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës
- Roundtable Discussion: Debating Security: For a more inclusive role of the academy in developing and improving security policies – Mediterranean University of Albania
- Roundtable Discussion: Debating Security: For a more inclusive role of the academy in developing and improving security policies – University “Luigj Gurakuqi” Shkodër
- Roundtable Discussion: Debating Security: For a more inclusive role of the academy in developing and improving security policies – Albanian Security Academy
- Roundtable Discussion: Debate on Security: Discussion of Security Barometer Findings with a Focus on the Armed Forces – Senior Security and Defence Course at the Academy of the Armed Forces
- Roundtable Discussion: Debate on Security: Discussion of Security Barometer Findings with a Focus on the Armed Forces – Academy of the Armed Forces
Support the implementation of justice reform through monitoring and evaluation of Special Prosecution (SPAK) and Special Courts (2020-2021)
The outputs of the project were:
- SPAK Monitor No. 10 (October – December 2020) / Albanian
- SPAK Monitor No. 11 (January-March 2021) / Albanian
- SPAK Monitor No. 12 (April-June 2021) / Albanian
- Strategic communication of the new and re-established justice institutions 2020
- Monitoring Report: “Implementation of the Communication Strategy by the new justice institutions” (January-March 2021)
- Monitoring Report: “Implementation of the Communication Strategy by the new justice institutions” (January-June 2021)
Conduct research to guiding P/CVE messaging in the Tirana municipality and support the Albanian CVE Center to developing research and strategic communication capacities (2020-2021)
The outputs of the project were:
Baseline Assessment of the Albanian Intersectoral Strategy on Countering Organised Crime 2013-2020 (2019-2020)
The outputs of the project were:
- Roundtable Discussion I: “Implementation of the Inter-Sectoral Strategy for the Fight against Organized Crime, Illegal Trafficking and Terrorism 2013-2020: Achievements and Challenges of Monitoring and Evaluation”
- Roundtable Discussion II: “Albania’s strategic approach in the fight against organized crime: The way forward”
- Roundtable Discussion III: “The formulation process of the Strategy against Organised Crime 2021-2030”
- Regional Event in the Municipality of Korça
- Regional Event in the Municipality of Shkodra
- Regional Event in the Municipality of Vlora
- Regional Event in the Municipality of Durrës
- Workshop I: Development and Formulation of the Strategy against Organised Crime
- Workshop II: Monitoring and Assessment of the Strategy against Organised Crime: Methodology Basics and IPSIS Methodology
- Workshop III: The formulation of the Strategy against Organised Crime 2021-2030
- Final Event/Online Discussion: “Albania’s Fight against Organized Crime for the Next Decade: Towards a Whole of Society Approach”
Measuring citizens' attitudes towards security and justice in Albania (2019-2020)
The outputs of the project were:
- Round table Discussion: Linking Security Policy Making and Security Delivery with Citizens Attitudes and Concerns: Presentation of the First Edition of the Albanian Security Barometer
- Zoom/Webinar event 1 “Pandemia dhe dilemat e adresimit të saj: Shteti midis përdorimit të forcës dhe pajtueshmërisë së qytetarëve me rregullat”
- Zoom/Webinar event 2 “Debati mbi Çështjet e Sigurisë: Negociatat për Anëtarësimin në BE dhe Sfidat e Kapitujve 23 dhe 24”
- Zoom/Webinar event 3 “Për një Përfshirje Aktive të Studentëve në Studime të Sigurisë: Me pjesëmarrjen e studentëve dhe pedagogëve të Universitetit Europian të Tiranës”
- Zoom/Webinar event 4 “Për një Përfshirje Aktive të Studentëve në Studime të Sigurisë: Me pjesëmarrjen e studentëve dhe pedagogëve të Universitetit “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës”
- Zoom/Webinar event 5 “Për një Përfshirje Aktive të Studentëve në Studime të Sigurisë: Me pjesëmarrjen e studentëve dhe pedagogëve të Universitetit “Ismail Qemali”, Vlorë”
- Zoom/Webinar event 6 “Për një Përfshirje Aktive të Studentëve në Studime të Sigurisë: Me pjesëmarrjen e studentëve dhe pedagogëve të Universitetit “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Shkodër”
- Article 1: Siguria dhe integrimi i Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Europian
- Article 2: Policia në shërbim të publikut, shtetit apo pushtetit?
- Article 3: Krimi i organizuar duhet luftuar nën dhe, para se të dalë me akte në sipërfaqe
- Article 4: “Barometri i Sigurisë në Shqipëri”-një pasqyrë edhe e mjedisit…
- Article 5: Siguria në syrin e Barometrit
Whistleblowing in Action: Exposing and remedying corruption in Southeast Europe through supporting whistleblowers and strengthening free speech rights (2019-2021)
The outputs of the project were:
* Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance (CSDG)
Monitoring and evaluating the process of the establishment and functioning of the Special Courts against Corruption and Organized Crime and the Special Structure SPAK through research, information, awareness raising and support in building administrative capacities (2019-2020)
The outputs of the project were:
- SPAK Monitor No. 5 (June – August 2019) / Albanian
- SPAK Monitor No. 6 (September – November 2019) / Albanian
- SPAK Monitor No. 7 (December 2019 – February 2020) / Albanian
- SPAK Monitor No. 8 (March 2020 – May 2020) / Albanian
- SPAK Monitor No. 9 (June – September 2020) / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 10 – July 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 11 – August 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 12 – October 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 13 – December 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 14 – January 2020 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 15 – February 2020 / Albanian
- Spot 1 Audiovisual “Establishment and functioning of the Special Prosecution Office and Special Courts for Corruption and Organized Crime” / Albanian
- Spot 2 Audiovisual “Communication in the newly established justice institutions” / Albanian
Strengthen Integrity in Albania's Security Sector through Improved Whistleblowing Capacities (2018-2019)
The output of the project was:
Strengthening public information and participation in the implementation of justice reform by monitoring, evaluating and communicating the process of setting up and functioning of institutions to combat corruption and organized crime (2018-2019)
The outputs of the project were:
- SPAK Monitor No. 1 (June – August 2018) / Albanian
- SPAK Monitor No. 2 (September – November 2018) / Albanian
- SPAK Monitor No. 3 (December 2018 – February 2019) / Albanian
- SPAK Monitor No. 4 (March – May 2019) / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 1 – January 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 2 – January 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 3 – February 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 4 – February 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 5 – March 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 6 – April 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 7 – April 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 8 – June 2019 / Albanian
- Spak Info No. 9 – June 2019 / Albanian
- Monitoring Report I “On the progress of the establishment of the Special Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Structure (SPAK) and Special Courts against Corruption and Organized Crime”
- Monitoring Report II “The Appointment of Judges to the Special Courts Against Corruption and Organized Crime and the Selection Process of Prosecutors at the Special Prosecution Office against Corruption and Organized Crime” / Albanian
- Monitoring Report III “Progress on establishment of the Special Courts against Corruption and Organized Crime and the Special Structure against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK)” – New competences of the High Judicial Council and High Prosecutorial Council towards the appointment of special judges and prosecutors / Albanian
- Informative Video I “Establishment of Special Courts & SPAK) / Albanian
- Informative Video II “Establishment and functioning of the Special Courts & SPAK” / Albanian
- Article 1: “SPAK, si miti i breshkës me Akilin!”, Ben Andoni, Gazeta Shqiptare, 30 Shtator 2018 / Albanian
- Article 2: “Zgjidhet KLGJ dhe KLP, por krijimi i SPAK do vonojë”, Sebia Alla, Gazeta Mapo, 17 Dhjetor, 2018 / Albanian
- Article 3: “Labirinti i drejtësisë”, Sebi Alla, Gazeta Mapo, 22 Dhjetor 2018 / Albanian
- Article 4: “Pse po vonohet Reforma në Drejtësi”, Ben Andoni, Gazeta Shqiptare, 24 Dhjetor 2018 / Albanian
- Article 5: “Pylli i ngatërruar i akronimeve në drejtësi?!”, Ben Andoni, Gazeta Shqiptare, 8 Prill 2019 / Albanian
- Article 6: “SPAK, BKH, Gjykata Speciale, “peng” i vettingut dhe procedurave”, Sebi Alla, Gazeta Mapo, 8 Pill 2019 / Albanian